Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Those who never bothered to learn history

Are fated to irritate those of us who have learned some with their unceasing line of patent bullshit.

For example, this little note about the Teabagger trying to make like George Washington would approve of armed rebellion against the U.S. Government:

Barber's ad invokes patriots such as George Washington apparently to support a proposition that Washington would surely have found abhorrent: that citizens should engage in armed rebellion in response to government actions sanctioned by our Constitution. In fact, we know precisely how President Washington would have responded if the armed rebellion suggested by Barber materialized: he would have crushed it. We know this because just such a rebellion - the Whiskey Rebellion - happened during Washington's presidency.

Like Barber and his tea party friends, the whiskey rebels of the late 18th Century believed the federal government had overreached and had unfairly imposed taxes upon them. As recounted in Ron Chernow's brilliant biography of Alexander Hamilton, President Washington -- surely the greatest patriot this country has known -- determined this rebellion must be crushed, stating that if "a minority is to dictate to the majority, there is an end put at one stroke to republican government." (p. 473) Then the 62-year old Father of our Country joined Alexander Hamilton and the federal army on a westward journey that put the rebellion to rest.

President Washington would have "gathered the armies" if Barber made good on his veiled threats, not in support of, but in opposition to, Barber's objectives.

To Glenn Beck the whiskey rebellion is what caused him to become a Mormon.

Via Nitpicker.


jimmiraybob said...

It's of some comfort, given the increasing call to armed insurrection, that most of the Tea Bag Nation aren't likely to be able to lug an AK-47 with ammunition and rations from their air conditioned cars, across the parking lot and into the Walgreen's pharmacy, much less wage armed resistance. The rest aren't far behind.

So, call your Tea Bagger armies and your Field Marshals von Beck to wage war against your government for having the nerve to try to govern.

If on the other hand, you want to change government for the better - to provide better for its citizens and the future, I'd recommend involvement in progressive causes. Cash donations can be mailed from the air-conditioned car on the way to Walgreen's.

pansypoo said...

all they need is the gnews on their side.

Anonymous said...

To Glenn Beck the whiskey rebellion is what caused him to become a Mormon.

Typo - it's spelled "moron"

Anonymous said...

They just want to get someone to start something, so they can raise a lot of hell and make the markets and gnews believe in the cause of freedom from being ruled by a black librul socialist. And they have inspired a few...the policemen shot in Pennsylvania by the gun nut, several others..quickly quieted by the gnews. Latest in Little Rock. Man and his son having a shootout in Wal mart parking lot.

Montag said...

Someone definitely has not read Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States.

Especially not the parts about George Washington.