Glenn Beck, once ratings gold -- now dependent upon selling it, is determined to make sure no American can ever have nice things, including memories.
Some of the nation's top civil rights leaders are angrily accusing right-wing media star Glenn Beck of "hijacking" the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech by planning to rally his conservative forces at the same Lincoln Memorial site on the anniversary date of Aug. 28...Beck claimed earlier this month on his radio show that one of his goals is to "reclaim the civil right movement," saying that it should be about individual liberties and not social justice...
So, essentially another Second Amendment rally, that's totally not at all offensive -- "why are you liberals always so anti-freedom AND good taste?"
Ah, but Glenn Beck and his Overton Windows just are not what they used to be -- so he's doing the brave thing and hiding behind others.
Now, the "Restoring Honor" rally is billed is as "a non-political, non-partisan event will recognize our First Amendment rights and honor the service members who fight to protect those freedoms."
Oh, I'm sorry, I misspoke, it will be a rally to honor the First Amendment...which will undoubtedly be about their right to scream how much they love the Second Amendment, (don't mention the first clause).
[cross-posted at Firedoglake]
"First Amendment rights" is kkkracker dog whistle for "fuck the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments."
only the 2nd matters to the right. dan good thing it ain't #1.
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