Wednesday, August 04, 2010


I sure hope Brett Favre can change his mind a few more times. Lord knows the nation's sports talk radio hosts have vast reservoirs of faux outrage to spew and he kills at least half a three hour program Monday through Friday, all three hours in the Twin Cities and Milwaukee.


StonyPillow said...

A one hour ESPN special is already spiraling downfield.

Unknown said...

I've retired from Brett Favre blogging.

That promise lasted approximately two minutes. LOL.

donnah said...

My son and I were having lunch where they had a TV on and the commentary about the great god Favre was nonstop. I don't know who the commentator was, but he said, "His scoring stats were impossible! No one could achieve those numbers, it is impossible! Well, I mean he did it, so it wasn't actually IMPOSSIBLE, but wow."


sukabi said...

Tim, that's precisely the amount of time it will take Favre to unretire, so it's a wash.

pansypoo said...

well, i will always have my memories and can say he was a packer. and i saw him play.