Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Christine O'Donnell is "just like you" America. Or what she perceives you to be. A congenital liar (I mean who would falsely proclaim her father an 'official Bozo'?) and crazy person (ditto).

If you watch a lot of FoxNews she may have a point.


jimmiraybob said...

Hope you were on high ground.

jimmiraybob said...

She must be a witch. How else do you explain my comment to the previous post showing up here instead. Spooky. I'm billing her for the extra time to re-post my comment where it belongs.

Anonymous said...

Would a witch please do a video response and put it up on U Tube. That's all I ask. Is that too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

witches are viewed with some genteel good favor in the month of October. Her timing was timed well, dagnubit.

DanF said...

It's never good when you need to cut an ad saying, "No really, I'm not a witch."

At the end, she should have wiggled her nose like Elizabeth Montgomery and turned Darren into a cat. That would have been funny at least.

pansypoo said...

i didn't cherry pick my religion.

Ana said...

She must be a witch. How else do you explain my comment to the previous post showing up here instead. Spooky. I'm billing her for the extra time to re-post my comment where it belongs.