Longtime NPR contributor Juan Williams has had his contract severed by the radio network! Because, guess what, he made some stupid comments about Muslims on Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor. (Spoiler: He is scared of them.
No intelligent statement has ever followed, "I'm not a bigot, but..."
Juan Williams has been such a shill for his higher-paying source for so long, I'm rather amazed it took this to get him shit-canned at NPR. But now he can go full double-stuffed for Rupert.
Oh, hell, NPR encouraged him, as long as Bush was in office. He didn't even throw nerf balls at Kindasleezza and Darth during interviews--he might have as well have said to them, "please, please, shoot me in the face! Oh, please, please, please!"
Hey, if he wants to shine the shoes of the rich and powerful and say things that ensure they stay rich and powerful, that's his business. But, he can do it at Fox.
Being a Fox News negro takes a special sort of person. Being let go by NPR will probably pay handsomely if he can become a Tea Party negro. Still he was 1000 times better than Cokie.
Nor any truthful one. Anytime you hear that phrase is is a tell that they are indeed a virulent racist, who has the self awareness to know that it is socially unacceptable and are perhaps even a little ashamed of the fact.
There's a rec list diary over at KOS which seems to be trying to make the case that he was unfairly terminated by NPR. I didn't take the time to go into the comments yet, so I'm not sure how well received it was.
juan williams got shirley sherrod-ed. rick sanchez* shouldn't have been fired either. the spirited david shuster was gotten rid of for being "inappropriate," and damn it, i want helen thomas back. all of these drop-of-a-hat firings are getting out of hand. i didn't like it either during the bush era when saying the "wrong" thing got you fired. should we be encouraging an environment where people have to walk on eggshells. this political correctness blade cuts both ways. don't any of these employers believe in suspensions any more? or sending employees to sit in the corner "time out" chair? does an apology no longer count for anything? whose next? keith olbermann for single quip that's just the slightest bit over the line?
* i thought so even before jon stewart mentioned it last night.
A nig-rah scared of Muslims? Well, I guess that's racial progress. A step up from the days when white folk were scared of nig-rahs. Hooray!
Well, let's just keep context in mind. O'Really was just incitin', and ol' Juan just couldn't bear to give up his paying gig with Murdoch's House of Horrors and tell O'Really that he was just a giant bag of guts who wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit him on the ass and drew blood.
Williams is an ass-kisser to power. He just had to go along, wishy-washy and mealy-mouthed, with a jerk like O'Really.
That's what he did, period. Juan's got all the fortitude and character of a wet dishrag.
now wan can be open about koreans?
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