Tuesday, October 05, 2010


I know whenever I'm rather tired the first thought that goes through my head is that I must insult one ethnic group or another.

I didn't much sleep last night and I'm looking at you Fins!


mbarnato said...

I thought Sanchez got fired for the broader bigotry of making ethnic slurs against the jews. That particular focus seems to be missing from most of the news stories. I guess it's easier to discuss Jon Stewart than it is bigotry at large.

Anyway, I really want to thank you for the Monty Python clip and the laugh! I'm stealing it...

jimmiraybob said...

Slightly off topic but entertaining non the less. Teabag Nation and Joe the Idiot are now campaigning against puppies in Missouri. Yes, against puppies.

"A conservative group in Missouri is picking up the backing of the Tea Party and Joe The Plumber in its quest to stop the Humane Society and other animal rights groups from passing "radical" anti-puppy mill legislation."

Speaking for the people - yes I live amongst the people in Missouri - these angry nut bags need to be ignored. Do it for the children. At least do it for the puppies.

Anonymous said...

if abortion of fetuses is wrong, well then, puppies ought to be protected so the little babes will have pups to pal around with and pumpkins and witches and satanists etc...vox

Raoul Paste said...

Ah yes, the pesky sprouts.
What have they ever done for ME?

pansypoo said...

i had no idea poor cubans were so oppressed by teh jeeeeeews(lewis black).