Friday, October 21, 2011

Hey, thanks assholes

For wasting several years peddling bullshit, committing petty crimes, and giving talking points to overpaid lying assholes until it was concretized in the mind of the average uninformed voter so that we'll manage not to do anything about it.

Global warming skeptics suspected climate change scientists were hiding data. So the skeptics paid for a new study to find the real truth. The results are in! And they're identical to previous results: Humans are heating up the earth.
Not that you'll see this reported on FoxNews one iota.

Double fuckers.


Raoul Paste said...

The recent book "The Great Disruption" estimates that the catastrophic fallout from climate change will become undeniable by 2018.

That ain't far away.

pansypoo said...

they'll find another reason to not change anything.