A new study from the Congressional Budget Office shows that the income of America’s richest 1 percent grew 275 percent between 1979 and 2007, compared with a 65-percent gain for the top 20 percent and an 18-percent gain for the bottom 20 percent. The average increase for all households came in at 62 percent.
The mysterious tide of laissez-faire capitalism--- it lifts the yachts while swamping the rowboats!
Why, who'd have ever predicted this?
Ah, the wonders of trickle down.
Christ. And then there's more recent evidence: George W. Bush, with the same policies, created a disaster, while Bill Clinton, admittedly a conservaDem, but at least a competent administrator, presided over a period of sustained growth and fiscal responsibility.
But the Venn diagram of logic and wingnuts has no intersection...
The last 30-years. So basically Reagan, "Bush the Smarter", and "C+ Augustus". With Democrats left trying to clean up the mess.
the media made it possible. total royalists.
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