Right-Wing Jackass Cal Thomas who doesn't want a single gun regulated because of the Second Amendment, thinks the First Amendment would be fine with a "committee" to determine who can practice journalism?
Yeah, brilliant as always.
Wowser. Judy calling for a federal uniform standard. I can only assume that they immediately deployed the crack Fox reprograming team during the commercial to get her back on track - like Cal "We need a good independent office of inquisition....where oh where could we find a model for an independent office of the inquisition" Thomas?
Wowser. Judy calling for a federal uniform standard. I can only assume that they immediately deployed the crack Fox reprograming team during the commercial to get her back on track - like Cal "We need a good independent office of inquisition....where oh where could we find a model for an independent office of the inquisition" Thomas?
Rarely is the question asked: "Why does the Second Amendment include the words "well regulated militia"?
I guess he's narrowly defining 'journalist' as a paid Reich-wing hack.
are any teevee gnews journalists? clealy judy wasn't.
Ah, yes, Cal Thomas, the theocrats' cheesy butt-boy.
If life were fair, the only place he'd get a hearing would be in Ron Paul's newsletter....
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