From CNN:
In the speech, Rumsfeld made a passing reference to United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to stop al Qaeda hijackers.
But in his remarks, Rumsfeld referred to the "the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania."
A Pentagon spokesman insisted that Rumsfeld simply misspoke, but Internet conspiracy theorists seized on the reference to the plane having been shot down.

Even if he misspoke, let us all consider that this is the man who is overseeing the military efforts today. Aren't we engaged in a life and death conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan not to mention other places around the world where we face a new and perpetual terrorist threat? Perhaps factual knowledge and the ability to effectively communicate might be a wee bit important to our ability to protect ourselves.
Of course, that is someone else's job, isn't it?
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