Thursday, March 10, 2005

Punch Drunk

So explains Sully's adamant retirement that continues to see him post.

Oh well, more material for me I guess. I can't just pick on the the intersection of Repressed Longing for Jonah Street & I'll just Have another Doughnut Avenue.

But here we have Lord Maximum Glute yesterday regarding Lebanon:

I also believe that any kind of triumphalism now is extremely foolish. This is just the beginning of the beginning. All sorts of obstacles lie ahead.

Here he is April 9, 2003:

This is an amazing victory, a victory over a monster who gassed civilians, jailed children, sent millions into fruitless wars, harbored poisonous weapons to threaten free peoples, tortured thousands, and made alliances with every two-bit opportunist on the planet. It's a victory over those who marched in the millions to stop this liberation, over the endless media cynics, over the hate-America crowd, and the armchair generals. It's a victory for the two countries in the world that have always made freedom possible and who have now brought it to another corner of the world made dark by terror. It's a victory for the extraordinary servicemen and women who performed this task with such skill, cool, courage and restraint. It's a victory for optimism over pessimism, the righting of past wrongs, the assertion of universal truths against postmodern excuses, and of political leadership over appeasement. Celebrate it. Don't let the whiners take this away from you or from the people of Iraq.

I suppose one could say he learned his lesson.

But this is Sullivan we are talking about.

He just has no idea.

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