Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Pyrrhic Victory

The story that Atrios had up early this morning is good at first blush:

The Rev. Fred Phelps Sr. was seeking to remove from the books a city ordinance that prohibits discrimination against gays in municipal hiring. The repeal measure would also bar Topeka from reinstating such protections for 10 years.

In final, unofficial results, 53 percent opposed the repeal, with 14,285 voting "no," and 12,795 voting "yes."

I'm glad this attempt at repeal was voted down in Topeka.

However, I take no comfort that a position strenously pushed by Fred Phelps Sr. got 47% of the vote. Fred Phelps is so crazed, so vitriolic, so over-the-top he makes Ann Coulter seem like Perry Como. Julius Streicher would look at Fred Phelps and say, "Man, that guy is fucking over the top!".

In any sane society any proposal of Fred Phelps should lose 101% to -1%!

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