We now have irrefutable evidence that most true foreign policy wonks are smarter and more realistic than Bush. I know what you are thinking that so many people think what Karl Rove and his cronies at Fox "news" tells them to think but we have some proof that the mind enslavement is far from complete among those who are paid in one fashion or another to generate international policies.
A survey shows that most foreign policy experts want the U.S. government to fight the war on Terrorism (whatever the heck that means -- truly does anyone really know?) with non-military tools.
Of course, that makes most of these eggheads more insightful than almost the entire Bush regime and almost all Republicans throughout the United States. Yeah, pretty cool isn't it? The folks who know most about international policy who should be working with the executive and congress on these matters agree that you cannot fight terrorism with bombs and bullets.
Now, the question is whether or not their ideas will reach the American people. There is always hope.
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