"Moron Junction" is begging for money to supplement K-Lo's kibble budget. How many magazines are so poor that they beg for money while sponsoring the worst cruises this side of the Andrea Doria?
In any case, they are using a "Star Trek" theme for their money raising -- well this being a weekend and all it can only require one response.
The longest post ever...and the recycling of a former post in its entirety. I give you all three parts of "The Wankery" in one convenient (and irritating) location:
BEFORE THE SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE DVD SET, WITH DIRECTOR'S COMMENTARY HERE IS...THE WANKERY PARTS I-IVIn the late winter of 2005 on Private Jonah Goldberg bravely asserted from his east coast suburban home that the nay-saying on the Iraqi War started by Commander Coo-Coo Bananas was false. Things were going great in Iraq and that some pointy-headed intellectual type like Professor Juan Cole was not going to dissuade him with something like factual information.
Jonah Goldberg, self-proclaimed non-Middle East Expert but
"Common Sense" Genius: February 2005:
Anyway, I do think my judgment is superior to his when it comes to the big picture. So, I have an idea: Since he doesn't want to debate anything except his own brilliance, let's make a bet. I predict that Iraq won't have a civil war, that it will have a viable constitution, and that a majority of Iraqis and Americans will, in two years time, agree that the war was worth it. I'll bet $1,000 (which I can hardly spare right now). This way neither of us can hide behind clever word play or CV reading. If there's another reasonable wager Cole wants to offer which would measure our judgment, I'm all ears. Money where your mouth is, doc.
Now more than one year later, the Star Ship Moronica has pulled up to space dock and the past has come back to pay Private Jonah a visit.

Private Jonah, you stand accuse of incredible wankery in the course of furthering unjustified wars started by your team. How do you plead?

Not doughy!

That is no plea, we will put your down for not guilty. You must come with us to the Starfleet Justice Academy.

Can I wear my girdle?

Yes. But you must come now!

You're not the boss of me, I'll sic my mother on you! Mommy!!!!!

Very well. If that is the way you want to be. Let us set our phasers to tickle.

Alright, alright, I surrender!

What are you thinking about Professor Cole?

On our last episode Private Jonah was arrested by Star Fleet for Criminal Banality. On tonight's episode, the trial of Private Jonah begins from the halls of the Star Fleet Justice Academy.

Private Jonah, do you wish to be represented by counsel?

I'd rather have my mommy.

You realize this is a port city don't you? We've all already had your mommy. (laughter) Boo-yah! Hizzoner in da hiz house!
But seriously, do you have a lawyer or do you want one appointed for you?

I have an attorney, he is coming now.

Where da young barely post-pubescent white women at?

Very well, is the prosecution ready to begin?

Yes, we are your honor. The Prosecution states that over the course of several years, Private Jonah has exhibited a systematic pattern of pontificating as if he is all knowing upon a variety of subjects for which he has no actual knowledge whatsoever. In particular, in or about the months of January, February, and March stardate 2005 and continue to the present, Private Jonah exhibited profound stupidity and engaged in such actions as to enable the continuation of policies which enabled the deaths of several thousands of individuals. All of this comprising conduct unbecoming of a Star Fleet enlisted man.

Mr. Derbyshire for the defense?

My honor, as a man of profound intellect and refined taste, I can state with sincerity that I have known many people in the course of my life. I can further state with particular specificity that Private Jonah here appears to be one of them. May I point out your honor that we of the Starfleet worship a serious religion where we don't believe in strange bizarre things like regular fasting and traveling once in our lives to a place in Saudi Arabia. Places I might add where a man isn't able to appreciate the nubile curves of a variety of young ladies. No, sir, we worship a religion of logic where we think a young hippy who preached love and benevolence was crucified to give us eternal life all in the name of greater corporate profits and military conquests. Further, our religion doesn't deal with so many brownish people, if people I may call them, at least people that fit within the definition of people so loosely defined as to include my client Private Jonah.

Is the prosecution ready to proceed.

Yes your honor, I call a nameless member of the armed forces.

My God! He's wearing a red shirt!

We're screwed. Speaking of which, how old do you think the court reporter is? 20 maybe? Boy almost too old. The Derb better make his move pretty soon before the nubile-ity fades away.

Does the prosecution have any further witnesses?

We do your honor. The Prosecution calls Lieutenant Uhura.

Ma'am has the Defendant ever done anything that you found particularly repugant?

Well, let's say that after a career of being typcast, you are in yet another movie, only this time, Mr. big-time Star wants to direct. Well the next thing you know if you want to be in the movie, you've got to act like you are sleeping with Scotty. Scotty, talk about 'defyin' the laws of physics' yeesh. And do a fan dance too -- that would be teh hot! And where are we going? To find God naturally -- God, that's right and who does Kirk outsmart in this one? God. Kirk outsmarts G-O-D! But not before climbing El Capitan because "I'm T.J. Hooker" dammit.
Have you ever seen that jackass sing "
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"? Oh-my-God!
And Now a Special Commercial Break:
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