A picture that five years later has a far different meaning than intended.

All those responders breathing the air the Bush Administration said was safe. Wonder how many are now sick, or even with us?
And what a litany of non-accomplishment (partial):
- Osama is still on the loose
- So is his number two
- Al Qaeda still has a thriving No. 3 manufacturing base
- The Taliban is resurgent
- Mullah Omar, what happened to that guy, oh yeah, he's still free too
- For those of you who doubted that Afghanistan could not be a bigger shithole, well, think again
- "What's that higher father? Invade Eye-Rack? Oh, goody, I've always wanted to do that! Tried to kill lower daddy you know"
- Removing CIA assets before we captured Osama around Christman 2001 to get ready for Iraq...ooooooh, good plan!!
- No WMDs
- No Flowers as Sweets
- No General Shinseki
- No Ties to Al Qaeda
- No Casualties in Iraq, as you told Pat Robertson
- No more Rummy handshakes with Saddam
- Plenty of "Suiciders"
- Yet no ending to the "dead enders"
- Launching an illegal war, "It feels good!"
- We must cut taxes in a time of war!
- Freedom Fries, Freedom Toast, Freedom Bread, Freedom Ticklers, DeGaulle leading the Free Freedoms in World War II literature
- No welcoming as liberators - while you take away our liberties
- Hey, let's fire all of the Iraqi Army
- No flag that looks like Israel
- No flag-drapped caskets
- 2,672 of 'em from Iraq, 338 in Afghanistan
- Tens of thousands of dead Iraqi & Afghanistan Civilians
- Iraqi National Congress, oh good job there
- Plenty of looting
- It's okay for my people to out CIA Operatives working on WMD
- It's wrong for the press to report on unconstitutional spying & secret prisons
- Not secuiring munitions dumps
- Talking about Iraq's corrupt Oil-for-Food program, ignoring the fact that even more money was lost or embezzled early on in the occupation
- "This War is so fucking illegal" - Pat Tillman
- Pat Tillman killed by friendly fire, you gladly assist in covering up his death
- Manhattan's hold in the ground requires pre-fab temporary memorials
- Rudy Giuliani is richer to the tune of $20 million a year
- Michael Moore is "fat" so naturally he is a liar
- Denny Hastert is "fat" but he's naturally trustworthy
- It's the terrorists, no its Saddam, it's the gays, its the gay bathist terrorists
- No evolution
- No global warming
- No star wars either, but we'll spend the money
- No clear pronunciation, but plenty of "moments of clarity"
- You creepily favor "special love" for gynecologists
- I want to personally see that you waterboard that crazy Al Qaeda hotel ownin' guy!
- If I say it isn't torture, then it isn't torture. Now commence the nut-punching!
- The terrorists never stop planning ways to hurt America, and neither do we.
- We're Making Progress, wait six months
- We're Making Progress, wait six months
- We're Making Progress, wait six months
- John Kerry swiftboated, while you should have won the medal of honor for saving Houston from the 'Cong.
- You're re-elected, thanks Ken Blackwell & Diebold!
- We're Making Progress, wait six months
- Okay, we're not making progress, Iraq needs six more months
- Okay, we're not making progress, Iraq needs six more months
- Okay, we're not making progress, Iraq needs six more months
- If we don't blow the fuck out of 'em over there, they will follow us over here and anally probe each and every American chile.
- You know the real problem with liberals is that they don't take their kids being killed in needless wars with a steely resolve.
- Jenna & Not-Jenna no longer need fake IDs, so the terrorists haven't won.
- Hurricane, but I'm on a vacation?
- Nice shoes Condi, been shopping?
- $3 a gallon gas -- but hey at least it will fall during election season
- Your only veto is against defrosting something
- You see into Pooty Poots heart, you hold the Saudi King's hand, you give a bad touch to Angela Merkle.
- You cannot see Dick's energy task force records, but I can read you emails
- And listen to your phone calls, if necessary
- Strawman arguments
- "The Decider"
- Pre-Screened audiences
- Expanded Free Speech Zones
- If you oppose the war you support terrorists
- If you don't support the Iraq war enough you support terrorists
- If you criticize the war you support the terrorists
- If you criticize how the war is fought you support the terrorists
- If you don't support our terror-policies, you support the terrorists
- If you don't support violating the Geneva Convention you support the terrorists
- If you oppose any Bush Administration policy you support the terrorists
- If you are a Democrat you support the terrorists
- Call critics terrorist-appeasers
- Hey, thanks for the gee-tar, let's take a picture
- I can't talk about the Hurricane right now, I've gotta pretend I won World War II
- Fine, I'll buzz the thirsty brown people, jeez!
- Let me use this non-political speech to tell you why only my political part can keep you all from beeing anally raped by an islamo-fascist!
- Non-victory in Anbar!
- Iran, third time's a charm!
Oh, yeah
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