Thursday, December 14, 2006

For the Love of McCain

It appears that Washington's cool kids have a love of the same things as McCain:

They love them some more of Chimpy's failed war:

President Bush and Vice President Cheney met with the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff yesterday at the Pentagon for more than an hour, and the president engaged his top military advisers on different options. The chiefs made no dramatic proposals but, at a time of intensifying national debate about how to solve the Iraq crisis, offered a pragmatic assessment of what can and cannot be done by the military, the sources said.

The chiefs do not favor adding significant numbers of troops to Iraq, said sources familiar with their thinking, but see strengthening the Iraqi army as pivotal to achieving some degree of stability. They also are pressing for a much greater U.S. effort on economic reconstruction and political reconciliation.

Of course, leading that call is Johnny stuffed cheeks, who if nothing else learned from Vietnam that adding troops slowly and in insignificant numbers always works.


Of course, the fact that both the public and the "generals on the ground" they love to quote so much disagree, matters not when the war they love so much can be continued on for a little while longer. After all it's not like they are risking anything.

McCain and the pundits also share one other thing (aside from a love of reacharounds) and that is their distaste for those fuckin' bloggers -- out there spouting off their opinions like they have a legal right to do so. The noive!

John McCain has made clear that he doesn’t like the blogosphere.

Now he has introduced legislation that would treat blogs like Internet service providers and hold them responsible for all activity in the comments sections and user profiles.


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