And the Right-Wing Reacts...[The Corner for Example]
IRSG [Jonah Goldberg]
I've only had a chance to glance at the front cover of the Jesus-Mary-Joseph thingy and I have to say that I'm not surprised. I'm no religious scholar, but I don't think many of the people on this Commission know much about war, other than the brownish and muslimy Mohammad. I mean looking at them they seem like something out the bar scene in Star Wars. Besides if Bush had been able to pick his own Commission, instead of having it forced on him by God, he would have been smart enough to have picked it like Kirk did in that one Star Trek episode where that rock creature allowed him to be assisted in a battle to the death and Kirk picked Lincoln. That's what Bush should have done, insisted on Lincoln being on the Commission.
Posted at 7:01 a.m.
Betrayal [Bill Bennett]
Frankly, I am enraged at the tone of this report, or at least what I have heard of it. George Bush has spent most of the last ten to fifteen years worshipping Jesus, saying he is his favorite philosopher, attending Church, and reading books about how to be more like Jesus. For this Christ-guy to suddenly write something critical of how George Bush has acted, and to suggest things that are in opposition to what the President has done, seems to me to be the ultimate betrayal. And to think that this guy is said to have experienced betrayal first-hand seems rather to make it even worse. Jesus and the rest of these people should be embarassed at criticizing George Bush in public like this. They really should have chosen the alternative of saying nothing at all.
Posted at 6:56 a.m.
Mitt Romney, future President comments on the IRSG [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
(via Press Release) I am appalled at the recommendations of the Jesus-Mary & Joseph Commission. This is not the work of the Jesus I know. The philosophy it espouses, of peace, understanding and fellowship is clearly pre-9/11 thinking and the type of policies that this nation, the greatest and freest nation on Earth, can ill-afford to allow debated or spoken about.
Posted at 6:54 a.m.
SURRENDER [Victor Davis Hanson]
This document is nothing less than what Neville Chamberlain tried to pull over on the Jews during the Masada campaign before Napolean and Tamerlane came and saved the day. It is nothing less than surrendering to peace, when War is a LOT more fun to write about and discussed on Hannity & Colmes, where I will be appearing at 8:00 p.m. eastern this evening.
Post at 6:46 a.m.
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