Booman asks in the wake of Obama's great ratings everywhere but the South:
[W]hy does the South have such dramatically different opinions about Barack Obama from the rest of the country? Seriously. I'm not asking this to pick on the South or because I expect an answer that denigrates southerners. I just want to know, what are the issues that are driving down Obama's approval ratings in the South, when the Northeast is giving him a 87% thumbs-up?
Allow me to repeat myself:
Is there any group that has been more responsible for holding back progress, who has ever been more consistently wrong about everything the last sixty years than Southern Conservatives?
Hell, the whole history of the Republic has seen this bunch of southern-fried right-wing fucks consistently wrong and consistently holding the rest of the nation back. Being defeated, and then starting ALL OVER AGAIN with being fucking wrong about something else. WRONG. ABOUT. EVERY. FUCKING. THING. From holding back the economic development of the early nation, to slavery, to the Civil War, to Jim Crow, to Segregation, to the minimum wage, to maximum hours, to workplace safety, to workers compensation, to food safety, to child labor, to isolationism, to the FDIC, to Social Security, to Red Baiting, to anti-intellectualism, to workplace discrimination, to State's Rights, to the Voting Rights Act, to religious fundementalism, to loving guns more than life itself, to anti-Catholicism, to anti-Semitism, to the War on Terror, to birth control, to not taxing while spending, to homophobia, to making the rubble bounce on brown people, to supporting torture, to police abuse, to outlawing the precious and blessed blowjob between consenting adults, generation after generation, they've been the assholes of the nation.
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