Friday, March 27, 2009

Yes, how do these things get started?

Ten days ago, the Irish Prime Minister, Brian Cowen, visited the White House. For some reason, this always seems to occur on March 17th. I guess Ireland can go Cheney themselves the other 364 days, but on St. Patrick's Day it's all good. Anyhow, at his appearance Cowen screwed up at the teleprompter like he was George Bush and then Obama helped him out by intentionally screwing up as a light-hearted joke.

Naturally, this incident was reported on right-wing blogs 180 degrees opposite of reality and Obama becomes "Mr. Teleprompter" -- like the device had been invented on January 20, 2009.

Yesterday, unrequited John McCain apologist Ron Fournier who I imagine considers Obama's use of a teleprompter "arrogant" took up this theme. Now comes Michael Gerson who writes a mealy-mouthed defense of the teleprompter industry with this statement:

It is amazing how swiftly a presidential tendency turns from observation to joke to meme. Barack Obama -- called "the most eloquent political speaker of our time" -- has become known as the teleprompter president.

Yeah, how on earth does stuff like that happen, Mr. Washington Post Editorial Page Columnist?

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

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