Thursday, March 26, 2009

Well, there's a rarity

Steny Hoyer inviting Republicans to kiss his ass -- and not in a nice way.

Steny Hoyer (D-MD), the number two Democrat in the House has put out a fairly suggestive flyer hammering Republicans in both bodies for their sudden and hypocritical aversion to passing controversial legislation via budget reconciliation...

And then it names names. Specifically, it calls out such influential Republicans as John Boehner, Judd Gregg, and Charles Grassley, who as recently as three years ago were singing the praises of the reconciliation process as a way to circumvent Democratic filibuster efforts. But now, in an unsurprising twist, they strongly oppose it. Just last week, in a somewhat melodramatic episode, Gregg compared the maneuver to "running over the minority, putting them in cement and throwing them in the Chicago River."

Good for Steny -- of course, the media filter will soon make it seem as if the GOP, those poor naive innocents NEVER EVER EVEN CONSIDERED using this in the past, it's all an invention of those darned power mad Democrats.

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