Monday, June 21, 2010

Another lie another dollar

As the oil gusher that began in early Spring continues to spew into the start of Summer I suppose I could come up with something creative and novel. But instead I'll just note yet another lie from BP.

A BP estimate made after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon noted that as much as 100,000 barrels per day could leak into the ocean if the blowout preventer and wellhead were removed, a higher worst-case scenario than previously reported.

Which leads to the question of what were they lying about before?

The figure is the highest yet to surface regarding the leaking oil well. At the disaster's outset, BP claimed the leak was about 1,000 barrels a day, a number it later revised to 5,000 and then much higher. BP told the House Energy and Commerce Committee that the worst-case scenario was 60,000 barrels (2.5 million gallons) a day, lower than what the document states.

So when do they release the memo in which they admit they were just trying to bring about Joe Barton's opportunity for being raptured?

Whatever they're doing, Bill Kristol demands you be nice to them -- criticism is only for the small people.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


StonyPillow said...

We’re supposed to let ‘em do what they want, or they’ll make the jobs go away. It's called Morning in America.

Sashay through the sarcasm
Stalking, skulking through the sargassum
Planning revenge on your friends

pansypoo said...

i bet carriage makers said he same thing. and coopers, a how many either archaic jobs.

we cling to oil at our peril.

The Reality Based Dave said...

20 years after the spill, the estimated 23,000 gallons of oil from the Exxon Valdez is still causing major environmental problems. That is on a rocky coast.
Clean-up on thousands of miles of swampy coast? Yeah, right. See me in a few hundred years...

pansypoo said...

glad i don't like seafood.