Friday, June 04, 2010

Let's see Netanyahu take this one down

Oh dear...

Rush Limbaugh is getting married in a super-secret ceremony at his Palm Beach mansion on Saturday...we rented a banner-toting plane to fly over his house during the event. What should it say?

Warning, contains picture of Rush Limbaugh with, purportedly, a lady. Notice the short, stubby, soft, fingers. Oh yeah, that explains a lot!

Four marriages down, oh the family values.


Montag said...

Married, divorced.




Major Woody said...

I know it's a bit long, but how about

Papa's Got a Brand New Beard

Mr. Hedley Bowes said...

Congrats! From the cabana boys of the DR.

UncommonSense said...

So, this country's chief defender of the Sanctity of Traditional Marriage is about to take his fourth wife.

Kathryn Rogers must be so excited. What an honor to be the fourth woman to wear the title of Mrs. Rush Hudson Limbaugh III.

Surely, a marriage made in heaven. What could possibly go wrong?

Aurelio said...

What does this have to do with Netanyahu?

Anonymous said...

If I could get the damn thing to work, I'd suggest "Heather, I love you alone, Tiger."

Raoul Paste said...

I shudder to think of the pre-nup on this one.

Of course, its possible that a good woman could reform Rush and turn him into a progressive champion to fight for the common man. Comparable to the Grinch's elightenment on Christmas Day!

Or not.

pansypoo said...

the ring bearer is for after. right?

Athenawise said...

For him AND for her, pansypoo.

jimmiraybob said...

It's actually very generous, If they split, she's allowed to retain her title, Uncle Rusty's No. 4.

guessed said...

there is not enough booze in the world to make that thing palatable. how does she explain vomiting after sex?

sukabi said...

how does she explain vomiting after sex?

how does she even contemplate the sex? {{{{{shudder}}}}}

daver said...

Pee to give her a clue.

Anonymous said...

A quick step into the limelight
Will sure put her in the shadow
Of limp boughs while he shouts to the heavens Mein ego ist mein und mein alone und yer blonde hair and milk white breast mein Brunhildee...!vox

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How does one get a job as a blog administrator? Major in family values? Ethics? Censorship? vox