I'm amazed this is an issue, as Elton John will clearly do anything for a buck:
Belarus, the 18-year-old country carved out of the Soviet Republic, is an expert at shutting down the gays. So it makes sense the country's Public Council for Morality plans to study the performances of Elton John to ensure that when he comes to Belarus' capital Minsk on June 26 to perform, he isn't going to fag it all up.
Gay publications can say anything, I guess. On the other hand, maybe they've no problem with furries?
Via Gawker.
better to invite ted nugent for macho music.
i didn't really hold it against him performing for rush. if anybody deserves to get gouged, it's that asshole.
how many people in the public council for morality are closet cases?
wearing a costume looking like you've crapped your diaper isn't very chic.
For Elton John, a bob is still a bob, and a job is still a job.
Butt plugs for everyone!
He can afford it.
i would have demnded 3 mil.
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