Wednesday, June 09, 2010

That teen was clearly trying to break the embargo on Gaza!


Mexicans are seething over the second death of a countryman at the hands of U.S. Border Patrol agents in two weeks, an incident near downtown El Paso that is threatening to escalate tensions over migrant issues.

U.S. authorities said Tuesday a Border Patrol agent was defending himself and colleagues when he fatally shot the 15-year-old as officers came under a barrage of big stones while trying to detain illegal immigrants on the U.S. side of the Rio Grande.


JDM said...

Not a dime's worth of difference, is there?

Major Woody said...

Isn't being in the US illegally a misdemeanor? Is it considered appropriate to use deadly force when pursuing someone suspected of such a crime? I wonder who was responsible for escalting the situation. Did the guns come out first, or the rock-throwing? Certainly, a "barrage of big stones" could put these officers in position where they felt they were justified in defending themselves. Just a sad situation however it came about.

pansypoo said...

where's the rage at the drug lords and there government that makes mexicans flea their country?

but still, overkill by the US. hope AZ is happy.

Anonymous said...

Of course the teabaggers will deny all their provocation led to this and more killings to come
Just as prolifers denied any provocations to put George Tiller out of business by Murdering him and numerous others before him!
Where is OUR outrage against all this deliberate fostering of hatred?