Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Well, that's not good

Forget the craven behavior that caused this mess and all the previous stupid statements -- not to mention the statements that were lies -- now Tony Hayward has a problem.

Killing off a substantial chunk of a national treasure and necessary ecosystem is one thing, the stock going down is REALLY serious.


pansypoo said...

sadly he sold a lot of his shares before it tanked.

sukabi said...

and pansypoo, that little tidbit of information maybe partly what's causing this selloff... if the CEO is dumping his stock all his "happy statements" don't mean shit, and the shareholders finally figure it out and panic.

Montag said...

While the graph looks dramatic, the sell-off's only been about four bucks a share. Not good, but not earth-shattering, either, provided it doesn't continue for a few days more.

I would guess that most large investors know that BP isn't going to be substantially harmed financially by this, if ExxonMobil's experience is any gauge. There's probably some short-selling going on, along with some few investment funds getting out because of PR blowback.

Might cost Hayward his job, but, of one thing I'm certain--there are plenty of other assholes to take his place.

Anonymous said...

If BP can keep increasing the recovery rate of just that one f---ed up well, their stock will rebound.

JDM said...

Give BP some goddam fucking TARP money - stat.


Rahm Emanuel