Wednesday, June 09, 2010

You can be only so crazy

She's just going to have to get by on her Arianna Huffington impression.

Among the most curious what-if scenarios in Tuesday night’s primary was the possibility that Orly Taitz, widely known as the Birther Queen, might win the Republican primary for secretary of state in California.

It wasn’t even close. Former NFL player Damon Dunn beat Taitz by about 3-to-1. He will face Democratic incumbent Debra Bowen in the fall.

Still rather stunning she got that many votes -- must have been a lot of "double-crazed-dog dares" involved.


DanF said...

It looks like the nuts are pretty evenly spread out through out the state. There were a couple of outlier counties where she significantly over-performed or under-performed the 25% mark, and interestingly, she seem to do a little worse in the eastern and rural parts of the state which is sorta counter-intuitive.

pansypoo said...

it's also california. high level of the crazee.

Anonymous said...

It is weirdly so california, broke and failing in so many ways, to still had enough hyperrich headline grabbers to get so much undeserved medya attention.

gypsy howell said...

Just proves once again the validity of John Roger's Keyes Baseline Crazification Theory.