Thursday, October 07, 2010

It is, indeed, funny how that works

Not Atrios is right, this bill just rocketed through Congress without bipartisan rancor:

The bill, passed without public debate in a way that even surprised its main sponsor, Republican Representative Robert Aderholt, requires courts to accept as valid document notarizations made out of state, making it harder to challenge the authenticity of foreclosure and other legal documents.

Mustn't make it harder for the banks to fuck you over.


Athenawise said...

Nice to know Congress has its priorities straight.

Anna said...

"Not Atrios" technically; actually a ql post. 100% Avedon-free, though I'm sure it's got her dander up, too.

omen said...

patrick leahy helped push through the bill?

pansypoo said...

of corporations, by corporations, FOR corporations.

Montag said...

What part of "provide for the general welfare" is not understood by these fuckers?

We are in the midst of multiple instances of false claims to title by banks, forgery of process by mortgage servicers and these corrupt nitwits pass a bill making the foreclosure transparency more difficult?

They might as well all be wearing sandwich boards reading, "I'm Bank of America's bitch, and I'm proud of it."

pansypoo said...

that 'provide general welfare' is sort of like 'render unto caesar what is his' in the bible. republikkklans pass over that.