Wednesday, March 30, 2011

But they've got a 30 second loop of guys standing around and everything!

Quelle surprise:

The Obama Justice Department did not improperly let politics or the race of the defendants affect the handling of a high-profile civil voter intimidation case against members of the New Black Panther Party, a probe by DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) concluded after an extensive investigation.

So, no racial or political bias there. FoxNews' morning, afternoon, and prime time line up, however...

Nice to know this somehow merited "an extensive investigation".

Now, what about Goldman Sachs and the rest of the banksters or GE's tax returns?

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


Montag said...

Since the Repugs are trying to push through a $600 million cut in the IRS's enforcement budget (and because there's a previous statutory requirement for them to crack down on people eligible for the earned income credit), I don't think the IRS will have the resources to go after the obscenely wealthy, the banks and the megacorps. The IRS will just have to be satisfied with harassing families making $15K/yr.

charles pierce said...

I am endlessly fascinated by that woman in the background, who is chatting away happily on her cellphone while obviously being intimidated by two guys in berets.
Did she testify?

pansypoo said...

and let's go to the video.
yup, republikkklans are nancyboy. and WATBs.