Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To be fair, he is paid less than Peggy Noonan

Me and my poor $174,000 salary, by Republican Representative Sean Duffy.


Montag said...

If the voters in his district are even marginally smarter than the average turnip, they'll give this whiny little prick an opportunity to experience life on unemployment.

JDM said...

Fucking reich pig.

Aaron said...

Seriously, fuck this guy. Just a guess, but I figure he's one of those $250k is barely out of the poverty range asshats.
The best I can wish people like this is they get a paper cut from their "pittance" of a paycheck and die from an infection.

pansypoo said...

try minimum wage, asshole.

jimmiraybob said...

Ya know, in honor of our modern day Teabirchers and our patriotic forefathers, maybe it's time to start tarring and feathering and making them ride the wooden pony (often referred to as riding the rail, a particularly cruel form of punishment/torture that our forefathers used or threatened to use against British loyalists - or those suspected of being loyalists). (Especially hard on the dangly parts.)

Normally I wouldn't think of using such drastic measures but I'm just trying to think within the Teabaggers box.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's $174 more than the treasonous fuck is worth. Fuck him.

Anonymous said...

Friends and well wishers are requested to weep piteously on his behalf.

MD said...

... Cake eater