Wednesday, December 07, 2011

I'll believe it when it happens

I know the Newt is the flavor of the month (EWWWWWW) and the better organization doesn't always win in Iowa (but it usually does, Obama's organization in 2008 was a wonder to behold) but at a caucus your operation does kind of matter.
Newt Gingrich’s Iowa campaign office gets a telephone one month before the caucus
If he wins the caucus, y'know, congrats I know Democrats will be happy, but to me it will still be a surprise -- people really do not warm to Romney, and considering what a visceral prick Gingrich is that really says something. Oh I know he can be nice and mean for the base and they love that, but he is not likable on any level.


sukabi said...

Atta, all you need is ONE phone and a huge bag of cash.....ground games are passe, the REAL action is behind the scenes with the counting machines...

jimmiraybob said...

Hey. I see that the Newtster has pledged to be a dog next year. New campaign slogan, Woof 2012 - I'll Pea All Over The Furniture All Next Year....Or at Least Until November!

pansypoo said...

what flavor would newt be? swamp peach? kudzo spinkle?

Montag said...

Never underestimate the batshittery of the sort of Iowa Repugs who take the caucuses seriously.

Remember, these are the people who take Steve King seriously.