Thursday, December 16, 2004

After a Joyously Long and Pronounced Absence

From my commentings, Peggy "The Dolphins Speak to Me" Noonan is back, without a vengence.

Nooners gobbles up trite arguments more willingly than her glistening loins absorb a vibrator while looking at the lifesize Ronny poster on the wall opposite her headboard.

...excuse me, made myself puke. (Ed: How did such a poor Rude Pundit impersonation make it onto your Blog? Furthermore, after not using the convenient "Editor" device for months, why has a first-class knob like you, Atta J. Turk, pulled the device twice in one day? Do you think it is going to get you one of those book contracts? Hmmmm, Hmmmm, well do you?)



Sorry, fourth wall going back up, writing tangents decreasing as the Wellbutrin washed down with Gin kicks in.

Ah that's betttttttterrrrrrrsdjflxdjsdlfajsl

[1 Hour Later]

Anyhow, Nooners is back to writing treacle for the Wall Street Journal.

You're very welcome for the in depth analysis of it.

Back to drinking.

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