Monday, December 20, 2004

Bush Press Conference Summary Talking Points

1. Free people don't fight each other. In other words, where we make war, peace is sure to follow.

2. Rumsfeld has a good heart. In other words, he may be a piece of shit, but he smells good to me, and besides, in other words, I've looked into his soul.

3. We need to go from a defined benefit to a defined contribution plan. In other words, we live in a different era, and being a former owner of a baseball team, I know all about changing eras.

4. Iran and North Korea are dangerous. In other words, it is important ignore the problem and hope it goes away on its own, or in other words try to trick the international community by laying it all off on that Al Baradei and Coffee Anan.

5. Where we pull people off the field of battle, it is important to assure that they won't try to harm us again. In other words, I can do what I want to, and heck, in other words, the weather isn't so bad in Cuba.

6. In other words, I am the President and I can do whatever I want to.

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