Thursday, December 09, 2004

Ten Commandment Madness

Atrios linked to the story earlier today as did Attaturk below. The brief filed with the Supreme Court highlights all the reasons why it is ok to display a blatantly religious symbol in /on a public building (via SCOTUSblog).

According to the brief,

Indeed, it is widely recognized as a matter of historical fact that the Ten Commandments has served over time as a basis for our national law.*** [A]t least to the extent that the Commandments established ethical or moral principles, they were expressions of universal standards of behavior common to all western societies. It was agreed that these moral standards, as influenced by the Judeo-Christian tradition, have played a large role in the development of the common law and have formed a part of the moral background for the adoption of the national constitution.

Check out the footnote that accopmanies the citation which I have ommitted. Why does one get the sneaking suspicion that the "Judeo" part of the equation is simply window dressing? So just in case you didn't know, this is a *Christian* nation.

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