GREAT SCOTTIES IN AMERICAN HISTORY (Miss Beasley not yet qualified)
I may be forgetting one, but it seems to me that three Scottish Terriers have played a major role in American History the last 60 years. Let's go to the history to determine their contributions and importance.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Fala.
-- Is part of historical statuary.
-- Able to control the United States Navy.
-- Only "actual" Dog we know of that was politically attacked.

Eisenhower's Scottie Telek
-- Kept Ike's mind off Kay Summersby and on Mamie.
-- Helped beat back the huns and that bitch Blondi.

Bush's Dog Barney:
-- Able to survive long falls.
-- Knows when to take a dump.
-- Forced to visit Rick Santorum.
Commentor Joshowitz makes a important point. Bush is double-plus good when it comes to Scotties.

-- Able to find a press pigeon to get him out of trouble, one way or another.
-- Can Lie without shame.
-- Marks territory early each morning on Bill Sammon's Desk.
-- Likes to sniff crotches
Bonus Query:
Updated from August.
Does it violate Godwin's Law to mention Hitler's Dog? Because I've done it two consecutive times.
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