Saturday, May 14, 2005

Ask Dr. Attaturk May 14, 2005

Question No. 1:

Dear Dr. Attaturk

I am not sure what kind of medical specialist you are, but I think you may be a marriage counselor and/or a proctologist. If that is the case, let me ask you, as a married christian evangelical man, is not what is mine, my wife's? And is not my wife's, mine? I hope you catch my meaning, wink, wink.


Dr. Sodomy

Gee, I'm just guessing that until certain revolations came out you had no real idea what it is liked to get fucked in the ass.

Not pleasant when it is done without one's consent is it?

Believe me, my time in the custody of the Canadian Penal System taught me all I want to know about this subject, and hockey.

Question No. 2:

Dear Dr. Turk,

Why does America hate families? Thaaaaank Yeeeew.

America doesn't have time for families. We have too much freedom to care about families. Besides, if we spend all of our time with our families, what would we tell the children?

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