Monday, May 02, 2005

A Clear Night

I had a chance to do something over the weekdend that I had not had a chance to do in months. A clear night, in the country, no moon, and tolerable dry weather.

So with some friends we got out the telescope and got in Saturn and the Whirlpool Galaxy (ephimeral when viewed live, as opposed to time-lapsed photography, to say the least, but it was definitely there).

Not seen nearly this clearly.

There is something about looking at far away celestial objects (and M-51, the Whirlpool Galaxy, is definitely a good ways away at 37 MILLION light years distant) that makes me settled about our present predicament...for a moment at least.

Also, imagine in all of those worlds out there, and possible alternative universes that somewhere there is a Star Trek like alternative universe, where there is a George W. Bush wearing a goatee, balancing budgets, not invading other nations, working hard, being rationale, possessing intelligence and wisdom.

Actually, that doesn't make me feel better at all.

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