Monday, May 02, 2005

Press Recovery Watch...

It took CNN's Morning News, TEN WHOLE MINUTES, to get to the Runaway Bride story...and they only talked about it for five full minutes.

As opposed to 20 minutes yesterday.

It has become clear to me, that Osama is no longer public enemy Number One.

The Runaway Bride must be, next time.

Seriously, if one watched the cable news this weekend, in a typical half-hour this is what you learned...

1. Runaway Bride...Runaway Bride...Runaway Bride...


2. Runaway Bride...Runaway Bride...


3. Laura Bush makes a funny...Runaway Bride, is she hiding WMDs?

Oh, and I already knew this, but I continually have it reaffirmed when I have it on in the background, but CNN's Chad "McChad" the Weathercad, is absolutely, the "whitest" man on earth.


You know, I thought about it, and Chad is not the whitest man on earth, he is probably only the 4th whitest, behind the two white guys and the black guy on the FoxNews Morning Zoo, "Fuchs U. Freunde"

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