Monday, July 18, 2005

Dear Scottie (;

I'm writing to you on behalf of a fellow blog friend.

I know it has been a rough, rough, week and you are not looking forward to this coming week.

But, won't you please think of the bloggers?

You went Thursday and Friday without a gaggle. I know now that in the wake of Matt Cooper's statement about also talking to Scooter Libby, as well as Rove you don't want to have a press conference.

I know that Rove's telling Cooper "I've already said too much" after stating that Wilson's wife and/or her role in sending him to Niger would be "declassified" means that the reporters know that your statements of late 2003 are now about as operative as "the Titanic being unsinkable".

But please, won't you think of poor, poor Holden?



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