Ezra Klein singles out one of those folks, who has always been vile and a racist, most appropriately...
Michelle Malkin is 34 years old. Next year will be her last year to enlist in the US Army (assuming the age limit is not raised to 42, as the military wants). I certainly don't think everyone who supports the war needs to sign up, but those who want to discredit grieving family members of fallen soldiers by telling them what their son would've thought really do have an obligation to enlist. Once they see what Casey saw and go through the firefights and daily struggles he did, they can lay claim to a certain form of insight on how he would've felt. But Malkin didn't do that. Once Cindy made her look foolish for trying to read Casey's mind, Malkin started trying to read Cindy's court documents. If she can't trump a mother's connection to her son, maybe she can destroy the mother so no one cares what connections she might have.
Malkin's got one year left. She's got a story to write, a soldier to understand, and a body of statements to defend. Her husband can take care of their kids for awhile, it's time for Michelle to fulfill her responsibility to her country, to the truth, and to those who want a serious counterattack on Cindy Sheehan. But if Michelle Malkin is too much of a coward, if she has, like Cheney did, "other priorities", then she has no connection to Casey Sheehan, no insight into his experience, and no place speaking for him and against his mother. I can't speak for Casey, but were any right wing hack trying to do this to the woman who raised me, I wouldn't thank them for putting her in her place, I'd wish them hell on earth, and probably after it as well.
Well, how 'bout it you vile racist coward?

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