Yeah, it's sad, believe me, Missy,

When you're born to be a sissy
Without the vim and verve.

But I could show my prowess, be a lion not a mou-ess
If I only had the nerve.

I'm afraid there's no denyin' I'm just a DandyLion,

With a fate YOU don't deserve.

I'd be brave as a blizzard....

I'd be gentle as a lizard....

I'd be clever as a gizzard....
If the Wizard is a Wizard who will serve.

Then I'm sure to get a brain,

...a heart

...a home

And don't forget the follow up...
"KING of the Ranch...."

As I am King of the Nation--
not queen, not duke, not prince.

My regal robes as Dear Leader!
would be satin, not cotton, not chintz.

I'd command each thing, be it smart or no.
With a woof and a woof and a royal growl - woof.
As I'd click my heel, all the proles would kneel.
And the ladies blow and the bullshit flow.

And the Media would take wing - If I - If I - were King!
Each Suckup would show respect to me.

The old monks genuflect to me.

Though my ass would lash, I would show compash

For every underling!
If I - If I - were King!
Just King!
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