Monday, August 08, 2005

Right On

Obviously as a progressive, I agree with Atrios on a number of things, other than his failure to link to Rising Hegemon each and every day of course [ed. Oh yeah, that would really be really be a great idea -- if he wishes to reduce his hit count].

But he has never written anything I agree with as much as this:

Judging from all the link cooties I've been sensing, the entire right wing of the blogosphere has leapt to the defense of the racist Michelle Malkin. Fascinating. There's rarely a bigot they won't defend... Michelle published a book justifying an act that Ronald Reagan apologized for - the mass arrest of Japanese immigrants and Japanese-American citizens of America based on nothing other than their ethnic background. Anyone who links to her or promotes her in anyway may as well be promoting the Klan or That includes you Chris Matthews.

The publication of that book, which she did to appeal to the Little Green Snotball brigade, will be a stain on her soul for all eternity.

Malkin's argument was used for the explicit purpose of justifying bigotry and racism against Arab-Americans, which at the time it was published was a bit like putting five gallons of keroscene near an open fire. Ignorant American's need little justification for open racism, some conservatives, who should know better, only require some intellectual fabrication to do the same. Malkin should be as much a pariah as Ann Coulter -- who at present isn't toxic enough (and yes, I'm looking at you, Time-Warner).

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