Monday, August 01, 2005

You cannot get more accurate in a blog post

From Doc Alterman (who has not blogrolled this blog -- stunning considering my occasional quality):

In my utopian daydreams, I live in a world where the all the spawn of Norman Podhoretz and Irving Kristol would have to make a living in the free-market system they profess to admire so much, without the Murdoch teat. Bill Kristol would have been a decent ad man, me thinks. But “John P. Normanson,” well, perhaps he could have made it on a reality show.


Note, when I say occasional quality, I'm talking about things like this...

Gamerove! Gamerove!

Gamerove is really neat.
Gamerove is full of leaks.

We all love Gamerove!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you don't find posts like that at Talking Points Memo or Political Animal!

You're welcome America, you're welcome.

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