Thursday, October 20, 2005


Unbelievable, as clownish as I thought he was before, he is even more emblematic of the Bush regime than one would think possible. In fact, he was a little Bush:

Later, on Aug. 31, Bahamonde frantically e-mailed Brown to tell him that thousands are evacuees were gathering in the streets with no food or water and that "estimates are many will die within hours."

"Sir, I know that you know the situation is past critical," Bahamonde wrote.

Less than three hours later, however, Brown's press secretary wrote colleagues to complain that the FEMA director needed more time to eat dinner at a Baton Rouge restaurant that evening. "He needs much more that (sic) 20 or 30 minutes," wrote Brown aide Sharon Worthy.

Brownie's stomach was doing a heck of a job.

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