Friday, October 21, 2005

Funnier all the time

The Bush implosion continues, via Kevin Drum linking to Byron York in National Review...nobody loves Harriet:

"It's been a gradual descent into almost silence," says a second source of the calls. "The meetings with the senators are going terribly. On a scale of one to 100, they are in negative territory. The thought now is that they have to end....Obviously the smart thing to do would be to withdraw the nomination and have a do-over as soon as possible. But the White House is so irrational that who knows? As of this morning, there is a sort of pig-headed resolve to press forward, cancel the meetings with senators if necessary, and bone up for the hearings."

Apparently, even Senators can only be told so many times that they are just "Super".

"A pig-headed resolve to press forward"...really should have been the Bush Slogan for 2004.

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