Sunday, October 09, 2005

I don't want to go too out on a limb

But lets face it, indictment or no indictment of Turdblossom and company I think there will be a real need to celebrate and/or innoculate ourselves in the next week or so regarding the Plame matter.

I ask you, Rising Hegemon readers, what should I be buying for various events:

1. No one indicted? (Head meeting oven is not a choice)

2. Just Libby?

3. Libby, Rove?

4. Libby, Rove, Ari?

5. "Unindicted Co-Conspirators"?

As always your advice is appreciated. And should any of the above, especially numbers 4 and/or 5 come about, anybody want to share a drink with me? Just remember I'm a drinking lightweight, so don't take too much advantage of me and the Fez.

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