Monday, October 10, 2005

That Crazy American Rightwing

Stratfor is a commercial "forcasting" service out of Austin, Texas. They were originally established to offer analysis of foreign policy events that effect commodity and stock markets. Their quality of work varies wildly and they are about as consistantly right on under-reported news as Willis Carto's Spotlight was.

On 9/11, Stratfor issued a "flash" claiming that the World Trade Center towers were brought down by internally placed explosives, ala the OKC conspiracy theories. Instead of retracting this nonsense, they purged it from their website without comment.

I'd trust them about as far as I trust Willis Carto or Lyndon LaRouche. And we all know how reliable they are I trust. Their article repeats the widely disseminated disinformation about TATP -- failing to note that most of the "cookbook" recipes for it yield not a dangerously unstable high explosive, but an inert smelly mixture of
acetone, peroxide and acid catalyst. A search for news reports of premature TATP explosions is interesting -- there are more reports of people with strange devices implanted in their heads by aliens.

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