Being an avid reader and follower of yours from way back -- at least since this Spring -- I could not help but notice you made this statement yesterday:
Pope Benedict XVI said Sunday that Christmas festivities have been polluted by consumerism and suggested that assembling the Nativity scene in the home is an effective way of teaching the faith to children.
As a mere footsoldier in the war on converted pagan rituals into Christian fable dates (periodically adjusted thanks to one of your predecessors "Gregory the Regular") I must say that I agree.
In fact, I think it is true that Christmas has been overcommercialized. I thought this quite often as a child when I only got 8 instead of 14 presents; or when I received too many pairs of socks and new underwear. For me, not to receive everything I want was simply wrong. How dare my parents not express their love through material possessions. It made me feel so empty inside.
But I digress.
You are saying Christmas should be less commercial.
Does this mean that I should not buy these as Christmas Gifts?
The Benedict XVI Commemorative Coin, a 50 cent piece I can buy for 2,000% mark up?

The Benedict XVI commemorative plushy bear, available for a mere $300.

For that matter, the mini-Benedict doll. Guaranteed to cover up the pederasty of tiny priests everywhere.
Just curious as to what I can or cannot buy, if anything? Thanks.
Atta J. Turk
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