Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The plan all along...

You have to stop and think for a minute what game people like Michael Ledeen are really playing.

Is he really as stupid as he clearly appears to be? Or simply comfortably enscounsed among the most craven individuals in American history?

Or a little from column A and a little from column B?

One of the purported "theoretical" basis for unleashing "shock & awe" was that it would send a message to places like North Korea and Iran that they better learn to cooperate with the United States or there'd be trouble.

That sure has worked out swell hasn't it?

Bush did nothing but run away from direct talks with North Korea and engage in mutual put downs with the Korean regime until ta-dah! Kim Jong-Il had himself a nuclear bomb.

Now Bush and his neo-con policy boneheads have managed to invade the country right next to Iran and gotten themselves so bogged down they sent one message and one message only to Iran.

"We best get ourselves a fucking A-Bomb pronto!"

And lo and behold we are helpless and in the worst possible position as Iran puts the finishing touches on their quest for atomic weaponry.

When this inevitable event occurs, the blame goes no where but directly on the front step of the White House...with the notable assistance of wankers like Michael Ledeen.

Naturally, they will simply rattle the sabers and blame the Democrats, but it will all be empty gesture. Or at least it should be based on the facts.

For a nuclear Iran is clearly a potential danger...

...BUT it is a fucking FANTASTIC way for AIPAC, AEI, and the Heritage Foundation to make some more fucking money!... That is reality!

Think of how scary they can make the fund raising letters now!

It's better than making up the "War on Christmas"; it's better than naked jeebus in a urine vat; it's better than Jimmy Jeff and a pack o' gerbils. It's the best thing EVAHHHH!!!!

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