Thursday, June 01, 2006

Behold the War President: Let's Rename It

I will come right to the point.

It is far past time for us to rename the Bush presidency. Since the mainstream media (in all its coopted forms: radio -- remember that medium? -- television, and print) have abducated their role as investigaors and independent watchdogs of politicians, we need to take matters into our own hands -- or keyboards actually. Where are our muckrakers and investigative reporters when we so desperately need them? I am tired of waiting (yeah, I know there are a few of them... but for every meaningful column from Hersh there are a thousand K-LOs, Peggy Nooners, and Kraulthhammeroonies).

So, let's do it ourselves.

Bush has so often proclaimed that he is a war president in a time of Terra' and that requires him to take extreme measures to defend the liberty security something of all most some Americans.

Anyone ever remember Bush mentioning 9-11 in a speech? Anyone? Anyone in the back?

But what can the self proclaimed war president say when cuts are being made to grants to support that one single item called by some -- security upon which he has based his whole miserable presidency? What happens when someone's only point in an argument is proven wrong by later actions?

So, dear friends what should we do? We should create the official label of this debacle of a presidency? And we know all the arguments about whether or not he really truly won either election. Let's set that asside for a moment -- just for a moment -- and focus on creating the term that will come to be forever associated with Bush. After all, this could be useful to the opposition, right?

I will even get us started.

Stupendous Failure? Imperial Imp? Crashing of Credability? These are not that good, I know that you all can do better. What should be the monicker that we can all can use here and into the future? What term that we make today will be the favorite of historians far into the future?

Please add your insightful label, term, phrase and brief commentary in the Bloviatings below. Happy hunting.

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