Monday, June 12, 2006

Here's a dare for Eraserhead

Byron "Buffont" York throws out this little dollop in a fit of pique over being laughed at by 1,000 progressives. I'm sure Byron only regretted attending Yearly Kos once, and that was continuously. In bitterness he tosses out this:

But at some point, coverage of the DailyKos phenomenon will move into a new cycle. In politics, no person, and no movement, can attract as much attention as DailyKos has received recently without eventually attracting scrutiny. And that will likely bring attention to what is said—and who says it—on the website.

You know, one could certainly ask, given some of their statements at Moron Junction, why Michael Ledeen, Jonah Goldberg, and James Lileks are not constantly tarred on the politicians that kiss their asses.

Like, say, Joe Lieberman.

Furthermore, one only wonders just how the Corner would look if they allowed relatively unfettered commenters like Daily Kos or Atrios -- or if Instapundit did th same.

Would they have the guts to be associated with those commenters, rather than picking and choosing what emails they abstract?

I think the answer on that one is pretty clear.

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